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Stanley Brothers - Lips That Lie (Chord)
Album: Folk Concert (1965)
Submitter: Koichi Kondo (3039) on 3/20/17
Month Views: 1,507 | Total Views: 3,891
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Lips That Lie
Recorded by The Stanley Brothers

(Capo on 2)

Intro.:  (D) x 3 bars

Lips that (D)lie will sweet talk (G)you
Then break your (D)heart and leave you (A)blue

You'll hear them (D)say, love never will (G)die
But don't be-(D)lieve the (A)lips that (D)lie

I should (G)know she taught me the (D)score
I lost a girl that I a-(A)dored

She fell in (D)love with some other (G)guy
Why did I be-(D)lieve the (A)lips that (D)lie

Solo:  |(D) |(D) |(G) |(G) |(D) |(D) |(A) |(A) |
       |(D) |(D) |(G) |(G) |(D) |(D)(A)|(D) |(D)

I should (G)know she taught me the (D)score
I lost a girl that I a-(A)dored

She fell in (D)love with some other (G)guy
Why did I be-(D)lieve the (A)lips that (D)lie

Why did I be-(D)lieve the (A)lips that (D)lie 
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