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Steve Fox - Everything (Chord)
Submitter: jboesch (0) on 4/20/04
Month Views: 430 | Total Views: 3,547
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Artist: Steve Fox
Title: Everything
Tabbed by: Jordan Boesch


    Em     D     G     C9     C     

INTRO: Em, D, G, Em, D, C9


Em             D               G              Em      D       G
  I watched you takin off your makeup, from behind you in the mirror

Em             D          G              Em       D    C9
  and the second that you notice me, you try to hide a tear

Em             D          G                   Em       D    C9
  and then you turn around and ask me what it is about you i love

Em        D             G               Em       D  G
  i could ramble on for hours baby, but one word is enough


     Em                      C                G                D
its alot of things, its the little things the list goes on and on 

      Em                C                D
and i know id miss them all if they were gone

         Em                   C
even the things that drive me crazy 

     G                D 
if i could i wouldn't change

             Em   C           C9
so what do i love about you.. everything

..Em, D, G, Em, D, C9


Em        D              G               Em       D    G
  Its the way you always say it when you think no ones around

Em    D               G              Em     D    C9
  its how you speak right to my heart, without a sound

Em    D             G              Em       D         C9
  its how you stood beside me even when the times got tough

Em            D  G             Em    D          G
  its nothing in perticular and its all of the above


     Em                      C                G                D
its alot of things, its the little things the list goes on and on 

      Em                C                D
and i know id miss them all if they were gone

         Em                   C
even the things that drive me crazy 

     G                D 
if i could i wouldn't change

             Em   C           C9
so what do i love about you.. everything

..Em, D, G, Em, D, C9

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