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Taylor Swift - Vigilante S**t (Chord)
Submitter: Koichi Kondo (1794) on 10/16/23
Month Views: 292 | Total Views: 292
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Vigilante S**t
Recorded by Taylor Swift
Album: Midnights (2022)

(Non Capo)


(Verse 1)
Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man (Am)
(Am) You did some bad things, but I'm the worst of them (F)
(Am) Sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie
(Am)They say looks can kill and I might try (F)
I don't dress for (E)women, I don't dress for men

Lately I've been dressing for re-(Am)venge
(Am) I don't start s**t, but I can tell you how it ends
(C)Don't get sad, (G)get even (Am)
So on the week-(E)ends, I don't dress for friends
(E)Lately I've been dressing for revenge

(Verse 3)
(Am)She needed cold hard proof so I gave her some
(Am)She had the envelope, where you think she got it from? (F)
(Am) Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride
(Am) Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife (F)
And she looks so (E)pretty, driving in your Benz

(E) Lately she's been dressing for re-(Am)venge
(Am) She don't start s**t, but she can tell you how it ends
(C)Don't get sad, (G)get even (Am)
So on the week-(E)ends, she don't dress for friends
Lately she's been dressing for re-(Am)venge

(Am)Ladies always rise above, ladies know what people want
(Am)Someone sweet and kind and fun, the lady simply had enough
While he was doing (Am)lines, and crossing all of (Am)mine
Someone told his white collar (Am)crimes to the FB-(F)I
And I don't dress for (E)villains, or for innocents

I'm (E)on my vigilante s**t (Am) again
I don't start s**t, but I can tell you how it (Am)ends
(C)Don't get sad, (G)get even (Am)
So on the week-(E)ends, I don't dress for friends
Lately I've been dressing for revenge - - - - - 
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