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Tim McGraw - Don't Take The Girl - Fingerstyle (P-Tab)
Album: Not a Moment Too Soon (1994)
Submitter: DRK HRSE (2) on 1/31/05 4 comments
Month Views: 568 | Total Views: 11,596
Moderator: jhempel24 | Report This Song?
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 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)

-DRK HRSE | 2/2/2005
Somebody PLEASE Comment... 100 Views and Zero Opinions
-DRK HRSE | 2/4/2005
Great Tab.
Wow, im just trying out this P-tab system, its awesome!
-Johnny_Cash | 3/27/2005
Wow that's amazing. I'm gonna have to learn how to use that program. Great job!!!!
-keldog28 | 6/2/2005
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