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Todd Snider - Age Like Wine (w/ Intro) (Chord)
Album: East Nashville Skyline (2004)
Submitter: lkohler (1) on 2/26/05
Month Views: 869 | Total Views: 8,093
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Age Like Wine - Todd Snider
East Nashville Skyline

Capo 2


C          F
Old timer, old timer
C                     G
too late to die young now
C         F
old time, five and dimer
C                             G         C 
tryin find a way to age like wine some how

    C                            F
my new stuff is nothing like my old stuff was
     C                        G
and neither one is much when compared to the show
       C                           F
which will not be as good as some other one you saw
    C        G      C       G
so help me i know, i know, i know I am an...

C           F
Old timer, old timer
C                     G
too late to die young now
C          F
old timer, five and dimer
C                             G         C
tryin find a way to age like wine some how

          G                                C    
i've met ever fool that ever signed their name up on these walls
         G                                 C
in the backs of all these beer joints and concert halls
i've been through seven managers and five labels
a thousand picks and patched cables
F                                            G   
3 vans, a band, a bunch guitar stands, and cans and cans and cans of beer
and bottles of booze and bags of pot
and thousand other things ive forgot 
i thought that i'd be dead by now, but i'm not... 
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