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Todd Snider - Alright Guy (Chord)
Album: That Was Me, The Best of Todd Snider 1994-1998 (2005)
Submitter: jdomary (18) on 6/6/03 3 comments
Month Views: 788 | Total Views: 10,927
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Alright Guy

Todd Snider

You know just the other morning, 
         F                    C     F C
I was hanging around in my house. 
            C                                  F
I had that new book with pictures of Madonna naked, 
                   C   F C
I was checkin' it out. 

 G                          F 
Just then a friend of mine came through the door, 
 G                                F
Said she never pegged me for a scumbag before, 
     G                            F
She said she didn't ever want to see me any more, 
        C               G
And I still don't know why. 

                  C         F 
I think I'm am alright guy 
                  C         F
I think I'm am alright guy 
I just want to live until I've gotta die 
I know I ain't perfect, 
But God knows I try 
    C                   F 
I think I'm an alright guy 
I think I'm alright 

Now maybe I'm dirty, 
      F                     C     F C    
And maybe I smoke a little dope. 
     C                     F
It ain't like I'm going on TV 
                                C    F C
And tearing up pictures of the Pope. 
    G                     F
I know I get wild and I know I get drunk, 
           G                           F   
Well, it ain't like I got a bunch of bodies in my trunk. 
    G                        F
My old man used to call me a no good punk, 
        C               G
And I still don't know why. 


You know, just the other night 
       F                             C   F C
These cops pulled me over outside a bar. 
They turned on their lights 
            F                  C   F C
And they ordered me out of my car. 
Man, I was only kidding 
When I called them a couple of dicks, 
      G                                F
But still they made me do the stupid human tricks, 
          G                         F
Now I'm stuck in this jail with a bunch of dumb hicks, 
        C               G
And I still don't know why. 


adlib to end 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I thought this was Gary Allan.
-rt@countrytabs | 6/6/2003
Gary may have recorded it, but its all Todd Snider, words and music.

-DaveWH | 6/8/2003
whos gary allen

-nitro1967 | 9/11/2013
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