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Todd Snider - Country When It Rocks (Chord)
Submitter: ShadyD (4) on 7/27/05 1 comment
Month Views: 539 | Total Views: 3,411
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Country When It Rocks 

(E)I like country when it rocks
(E)I like country when it's (A)real
(A)When it's sung for the (E)school of the hardest knocks
(E)And not for mass ap(B7)peal

(B7)I like country when it's (E)loud
(E)And ringing out for (A)blocks
(A)I like country when it's (E)real
(B7)I like country when it (E)rocks

(verse 1)
(E)Play a little Johnny (A)Cash for me
(A)And make me feel it down (E)home
(E)When old Waylon's on the (B7)backbeat honey
(B7)He sounds better than the (E)Stones

(E)Somebody help me make it (A)through the night
(A)I'm seeing double through (E)the neon light
(E)Play it loud and play it (B7)right
(B7)All night I don't wanna go (E)home


(verse 2)
Little something with a twang to it
Like they used to do
The kind of song that kept glued to it
Because you knew it was true

I like the sound of a steel guitar
I like the feel of a roadside bar
I only listen to the country stars
Who know what I go through

Chorus 3x

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-Ray Terry | 8/6/2009
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