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Todd Snider - Crooked Piece Of Time (Chord)
Album: New Connection (2002)
Submitter: ShadyD (4) on 7/27/05 1 comment
Month Views: 494 | Total Views: 4,340
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Crooked Piece of Time

(G)        (C)        (G)        (A7)
(D)        (C)        (D)        (G)

(G)Things got rough, things got tough,
Thin(C)gs got h(G)arder than (A7)hard
W(D7)e were just tryin' to make a living
In o(C)ur ba(D)ck ya(G)rd
We were born to late, died too soon.
Anx(C)iety's a (G)terrible c(A7)rime
If you (D7)can't come now, don't come at all
'Cause it's a cr(C)ooked pi(D)ece of ti(G)me

It's a (G)crooked piece of time that we live in (C)     (G)      (A7)
A(D7)ll in all and all in all, it was a cr(C)ooked p(D)iece of t(G)ime

(G)        (C)        (G)        (A7)
(D)        (C)        (D)        (G)

(G)Yesterday morning, an i(C)ll wi(G)nd c(A7)ame
(D7)Blew your picture right out(C) of the (D)picture (G)frame
Even blew the candle out from un(C)derne(G)ath the (A7)flame
(D7)Yesterday morning an i(C)ll wi(D)nd c(G)ame


(G)        (C)        (G)        (A7)
(D)        (C)        (D)        (G)

(G)Things got rough, things got tough,
Thin(C)gs got h(G)arder than (A7)hard
W(D7)e were just tryin' to make a living
In o(C)ur ba(D)ck ya(G)rd
We were born to late, died too soon.
Anx(C)iety's a (G)terrible c(A7)rime
If you (D7)can't come now, don't come at all
'Cause it's a cr(C)ooked pi(D)ece of ti(G)me


It's a cr(C)ooked (D)piece of (G)time
It's a cr(C)ooked (D)piece of (G)time
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
It's pretty much impossible to avoid bar chords because the verse and chorus are in different keys. Otherwise I always try to avoid them on my tabs :o)
-Shantel | 7/22/2005
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