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Todd Snider - Fine Tune (Chord)
Submitter: ShadyD (4) on 7/27/05
Month Views: 572 | Total Views: 3,396
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Fine Tune

(verse 1)
(G)Pull down that (C)shade
(C)Unplug the (G)phone
(G)Turn off that (D)TV
(D)Let's get (G)stoned

(verse 2)
Burn out brightly
Fade away
Rock out nightly
And sleep all day

(G)I've been working on my (C)fine tune
(C)I've been saving up the (G)night life
(G)I've been waiting on a (D)green light
(D)Further up the (G)road
(G7)Gotta lay a bit (C)low now
(C)I'll be better off (G)some(Em)how
(Em)Let me work a few (C)kinks out
(D)And I'll be ready to (G)go

(verse 3)
That sun's so bright
My skin's so pale
It's just too hot outside
To go and check my mail

(verse 4)
So much to sleep for
So much to prove
I'm gearing up for
My next big move

(verse 5)
One throbbing headache
Two Tylenol
Gonna win this rat race
Once and for all


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