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Todd Snider - I Can Drink Any Woman Pretty (Chord)
Submitter: DaveWH (9) on 6/12/02 1 comment
Month Views: 756 | Total Views: 7,121
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I can drink any woman pretty

by Todd Snider

Standard tuning

 D                D           G         D            D           A
          ^ v       ^ v         ^ v       ^ v          ^ v


(Verse 1)
            D                                      G
She was the worst looking woman to ever grace this county.

    A                                       D
And I's the loneliest man in the whole damn world.

      G                   A              D                   G
But I had me a fool proof plan, that I'd learned from my old man.

        D                     A             D
Yeah, I knew right soon she'd be my kind of girl.

      Bmin                                         A
Now I admit at first I didn't even want that woman near me.

      Bmin                                        A
Hell, she looked like she'd been beaten up with a rake.

         G                   A                  D          Bmin 
But as I gulped down another round, I said, hey woman hand around.

           G                   A             D
Yer gettin better looking with every drink I take.


      G           A         D
Cause I can drink any woman pretty.

G              A                   D
Just give me a bottle and a little time.

    G                A        D            Bmin
She may look like an ugly ole heifer right now,

    G                       A                      D      G A D
but one more round and that womans gonna look just fine.

(Verse 2)

        D                                         G
She was worse than Oprah Winfrey when I first met her.

        A                                   D
She had floppy ears and this big ole busted nose.

           G             A                   D                  Bmin
And it was kinda hard to ignore that woman's crooked and yellow teeth,

         G                 A                    D
and them sloppy ole smelly mismatched dimestore clothes.

    Bmin                        A
But Johnny Walker spiced up her wardrobe.

          Bmin                                 A
Yeah, and bourbon straightened out that busted nose.

       G               A               D                    Bmin
Well a couple of vodka shots, add in a little bit of dental work.

G                                       A          D    G  D
Next thing you know I'm sitting next to Marylin Monroe, oh no.


    G                A        D            Bmin
She may look like an ugly ole heifer right now,

    G                       A                       D
but one more round and that woman's gonna look just fine.


After listening to the recording more closely, I think this should be played
capoed at the 2nd fret.  Making the capoed chords :
D = C
G = F
A = G
Bmin = Amin

It should be easy to transpose the intro to the capoed position.  To me it sounds 
more accurate capoed.
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
When I tabbed this song from an mp3, the artist
was listed as Todd Snider. But I don't think
it is Todd. If anyone knows who it really is
I'd like to know.
-DaveWH | 8/15/2005
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