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Tracy Byrd - Anybody Else's Heart But Mine (Chord)
Album: No Ordinary Man (1994)
Submitter: WildCard76 (682) on 11/3/22
Month Views: 677 | Total Views: 677
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Tracy Byrd
Album: No Ordinary Man
Submitted by: Christopher R.

Intro: (G) (C) (G) (C)

(D) She's history
Don't ruin good beer with tears
Get (G) up off those knees
She (D) ain't coming back, Jack
And if you think she will
You're (G) on the wrong track
(Am) (C/B) Hearts get (C) broken (C/B) every (D) day
And life goes on without her (Am) here (C/B)
(C) It would (C/B) be so (D) clear if only (C) it (D) was

  (G) Anybody (C) else's heart but (D) mine
  (G) I'd say hey, (C) that's the breaks
  (D) It'll mend in time
  (Bb) I'd know just (Am) what to do
  (F) If it was anybody (C) else's blues
  If it was anybody (D) else's heart, but (G) mine (C) (G) (C)
Hey, (D) what's goin' on
It's a little bit different
When it's (G) my love that's gone
Now (D) old platitudes
Like find somebody else
Now (G) they just won't do
(Am) (C/B) I was so (C) wise when (C/B) givin' (D) free advice
To everybody (Am) else
(C/B) But now (C) hearing (C/B) it my(D)self I wish that (C) it (D) was

  (G) Anybody (C) else's heart but (D) mine
  (G) I'd say hey, (C) that's the breaks
  (D) It'll mend in time
  (Bb) I'd know just (Am) what to do
  (F) If it was anybody (C) else's blues
  If it was any(D)body else's (C) heart, (D) but (G) mine
  Anybody else's heart but (D) mine
  (G) I'd say hey, (C) that's the breaks
  (D) It'll mend in time
  (Bb) I'd know just (Am) what to do
  (F) If it was anybody (C) else's blues
  If it was any(D)body else's (C) heart, (D) but (G) mine 

(G) (C) (G) (C) 

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