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Travis Tritt - Country Club (Chord)
Album: Greatest Hits, From the Beginning (2003)
Submitter: Aussie_Angel (5) on 3/8/06
Month Views: 1,894 | Total Views: 23,994
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Country Club
Travis Tritt

Submitted by Aussie_Angel  08/03/2006

Intro: E

Verse 1: 

  N.C.    E                                        
I took a double take out on the interstate
       A                      E
when I saw her makin' eyes at me. 
So I followed her down to clubhouse drive,
         F#                      B
past the pool and the eighteenth green.
And in the parkin' lot I said it's mighty hot, 
A                       E
maybe I could buy you a beer. 

             A                      E    C#m 
She said I'm glad you asked but I'll have to pass 
            F#          B          E
'cause only members are allowed in here. 

And I said.

 N.C.              A  
I'm a member of a country club, 
country music is what I love. 
I drive an old ford pick-up truck. 
I do my drinkin' from a dixie cup. 
E                  A  
Hey I'm a bonafied dancin' fool. 
I shoot a mighty mean game of pool. 
At any honkytonk roadside pub, 
I'm a member of a country club.

B   B   E   E

Verse 2: 

Lord you look so invitin' thought it might be exitin' 
      A                 E
for a woman with a limousine,

to go bouncin' around in a beat-up truck, 
       F#              B
with a man in wore out jeans. 
It's five o'clock before friday night,
A                    E
here's where the fun begins. 
          A         E      C#m  
So don't worry 'bout your reputation, 
       F#      B             E
'cause you can tell all your friends.


 N.C.              A  
I'm a member of a country club, 
country music is what I love. 
I drive an old ford pick-up truck. 
I do my drinkin' from a dixie cup. 
E                  A  
Hey I'm a bonafied dancin' fool. 
I shoot a mighty mean game of pool. 
At any honkytonk roadside pub, 
I'm a member of a country club.

Feel free to comment on any corrections this tab may need. This is just the basic 
chords and I'm sure there's other "bits" that could be added 
depending on your level of playing.
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