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Vern Gosdin - Its Not Over Yet (Chord)
Album: Chisled In Stone (1990)
Submitter: Deleted Member (0) on 10/26/02
Month Views: 403 | Total Views: 4,841
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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IT'S NOT OVER YET (Vern Gosdin)
    CBS Records, Chiseled In Stone, Copyright  1987

(E) On the bed lies your pillow
It's been (E7) there since (A) you've been (E) gone
And in the (B) closet, your favorite shoes
You used to (E) wear

And the (E) perfume that I bought you
It still (E7) lingers (A) every(E)where
Somethin' (B) tells me
It's not over (E) yet

On the (E) nightstand is your picture
The one I've  (E7) held since (A) you've been (E) gone
The same (B) picture you gave to me
When we first (E) met

It don't (E) hold me in return
But it says (E7) please (A) don't for(E)get
And it (B) tells me
It's not over (E) yet

It's not (E) over 'til the (E7) memories of  (A) you
have all (E)died
'Til the (E)tears (A) from my (E) eyes
Have finally (B) dried

It's not (E)  over 'til that (E7)phone rings
And I (A) don't reach to talk to (E) you
And hear you (B) tell me
It's not over (E) yet    (E) (E7) (A) (E) (B) (E)

It's not (E) over 'til that (E7) phone rings
And I (A) don't reach to talk to (E) you
And hear you (B) tell me
It's not over (E) yet

And hear you (B) tell me
It's not over (E) yet 
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