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Vince Gill - Holding Things Together (Chord)
Album: Bakersfield (2013)
Submitter: Ray Terry (241) on 8/3/14
Month Views: 1,321 | Total Views: 10,599
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Holding Things Together
Vince Gill 	 
Album: Bakersfield (2013)

Capo 1 (Song Recorded In Db)

Intro: | F | C | G7 | C | C | 

C         G7      C                            F
Holding things together ain't no easy thing to do
                           C                             G7
When it comes to raising children, it's a job  meant for two
 C      G7       C                         F
Alice please believe me, I can't go on and on
                 C      G7           C
Holding things together    with you gone
           G7       C                               F
Today was Angie's birthday I guess it slipped your mind
                  C                              G7
I tried twice to call you, but no answer either time
      C        G7        C                           F
The postman brought the package, I mailed some days ago
                            C       G7             C
I just signed it love from mama so Angie wouldn't know

C         G7      C                            F
Holding things together ain't no easy thing to do
                           C                             G7
When it comes to raising children, it's a job  meant for two
 C      G7       C                         F
Alice please believe me, I can't go on and on
                 C      G7           C
Holding things together    with you gone

Inst: | C | C | C | C | F | F | C | C | G7 | C G7 | C | C |
      | F | F | C G7 | C | C |

 C         G7      C                           F
Holding things together ain't no easy thing to do
                           C                             G7
When it comes to raising children, it's a job  meant for two
 C      G7       C                         F
Alice please believe me, I can't go on and on
                 C      G7           C
Holding things together    with you gone

C      G7       C                          F
Alice please believe me, I can't go on and on
                 C      G7           C
Holding things together    with you gone

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