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Vince Gill - I Can't Be Myself When I'm With You (Chord)
Album: Bakersfield (2013)
Submitter: Ray Terry (240) on 8/2/14
Month Views: 971 | Total Views: 8,039
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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I can't be myself when I'm with you
Vince Gill 	 
Album: Bakersfield (2013)

Intro: | B7 | E | B7 | E | E | 

E                     B7             E
It's a way of mine to say just what I'm thinking
                     B7               E 
And to do the things I really want to do
         A                             E
And you want to change the part of me I'm proud of
              B7                 E
I can't be myself when I'm with you

E                     B7                E
You never liked the clothes I wear on Sunday
                         B7           E 
Just because I don't believe the way you do
A                                 E
But I believe the Lord knows I'm unhappy
                     B7                 E 
‘Cause I can't be myself when I'm with you

A                                E
I can't be myself and be what pleases you
       A         E                F#                B7
Down deep inside I don't believe you really want me to
      A                          E
It's not my way to take so long deciding
              B7                 E
I can't be myself when I'm with you

Inst: | E | E | B7 | E | E | E | B7 | E | A | A | 
      | E | E | E | B7 | E | E |

A                                E
I can't be myself and be what pleases you
       A         E                F#                B7
Down deep inside I don't believe you really want me to
      A                          E
It's not my way to take so long deciding
              B7                 E
I can't be myself when I'm with you

              B7                 E
I can't be myself when I'm with you

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