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Vince Gill - Nobody’s Fool But Yours (Chord)
Album: Bakersfield (2013)
Submitter: Ray Terry (241) on 8/3/14
Month Views: 720 | Total Views: 8,098
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Nobody’s Fool But Yours
Vince Gill 	 
Album: Bakersfield (2013)

Intro: | A | A | E | A | A |

A                        E7
They say for everybody there is a fool
And that's the way it's always been between me and you
Anytime you're ready you treat me like a friend
             A                                E7            A
'Cause you know that I'm just fool enough to take you back again.

A                      D
Yes, I'm nobody's fool,  nobody's fool
A                  E7
Nobody's fool but yours
       A                      D
And although you do me wrong I'll still tag along
           A           E7       A
'Cause I'm   nobody's fool but yours.

Inst: | A | A | D | D | A | A | E | E | A | D | D | A | E | E | A | A | 

A                      E7
You falsely accused me of doing you wrong
That's just an excuse you used to string me along
A toy you play with and when you are through
      A                E             A
You throw me away and find somebody knew.

A                      D
Yes, I'm nobody's fool,  nobody's fool
A                  E7
Nobody's fool but yours
       A                      D
And although you do me wrong I'll still tag along
           A           E7       A
'Cause I'm   nobody's fool but yours.

       A                      D
And although you do me wrong I'll still tag along
           A           E7       A
'Cause I'm   nobody's fool but yours.
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