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Wes Nickson - Without You (Chord)
Submitter: countryartist (0) on 8/5/08
Month Views: 345 | Total Views: 2,307
Moderator: Musikman212 | Report This Song?
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Intro: A-G-D-A (x2)

 A                         G      D                  A
Well i was thinkin this morning, that i think to much

 A                         G      D           A
Well i dont listen to my heart, nearly enough

 A                  G      D               A
Sit splittin wide open, when you went away

 A                      G   D                 A
Now my world is comin down, down my wicked way 


  G                   D  D        A
My life's been turned upside down

 G             D  D        A
Im lost and running around

 G       D  D          A
Im goin out of my mind

F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F   G  G  G  G  G  G  G  G  G 
No i cant take another day, no i cant take another day

NC           A    G       D
Without you,  yeah yeah

Well its all the simple things
I cant seem to do
Its like im stuck inside a wall
and i cant break through
your love is a prison
for my mind
and i pray to god to help me, yeah
at least a thousand times


Lead Guitar: A-G-D-A (2x)

F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  G  G  G  G  G  G
Well i cant take another day, not one more day


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