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Whiskeyfish - The Reason (Chord)
Submitter: chestnuts08 (1) on 10/11/08
Month Views: 385 | Total Views: 3,487
Moderator: TxMusic01 | Report This Song?
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D           G               D     A
Don't worry girl it's gonna be alright
D              G          D       A
Just rest your head on my chest tonight
D            G        D                   A
forget those problems runnin through your mind
D          G        D            A
let em all go, baby leave em all behind


G                   D
let my arms be your protection
G                    D    A
let my hands be your guide
G                  D
let my love be the reason 
G           Bm          A      D
you're here believin in you tonight

i kiss the tears runnin down your pretty face
brought on by the pain that my lips will soon erase
open your eyes i wanna see you lookin back at me
maybe then you'll realize everything I've always seen


solo--verse chords

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