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William Clark Green - Catch Me When I Fall (Chord)
Submitter: tekkaken (7) on 3/17/13 3 comments
Month Views: 838 | Total Views: 9,546
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Catch Me When I Fall 
William Clark Green
Album: Misunderstood
Tabbed by Ken Lazell

Intro: Bm-A  x 4

D              A               G
Hurry up we’re running out of time
          D             A                   G      
I can see the flashing sirens and the headlights
D                  A              G
Grab the loot come on get in the car
                D         A                  G add 9
We’ll be screaming tires running down the boulevard

         A            D                 G              
Running fast get the cash, god help us all
       A                D              G
Sirens flash punch the gas outrun the law
           D    A        G
Well you can’t deny the truth
              D      A     G
I’m just the product of my youth
     A                     G              D
I’m going down won’t you catch me when I fall

Solo Bm-A-Bm-A-Bm-A-Bm

Well this is it this time we’ve gone to far
You can’t outrun the law in a broke down car
Get on the ground put your hands above your head
William hit the pavement, I jumped back in

         A            D                 G              
Running fast get the cash, god help us all
       A                D              G
Sirens flash punch the gas outrun the law
           D    A        G
Well you can’t deny the truth
              D      A     G
I’m just the product of my youth
     A                     G              D
I’m going down won’t you catch me when I fall
         A                 G
I’m going down won’t you catch me when I fall

End solo Bm-A-G  x 4 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
if y'all like the tabs let me know with kudo's and i will try to add more...
-tekkaken | 3/20/2013
good into should be like the outro just adding that G

sounded good to me
-jet7719 | 3/9/2016
Need to do Cumberland Road
-jet7719 | 3/9/2016
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