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William Clark Green - Push And Shove (Chord)
Submitter: lukerscott (0) on 4/25/14
Month Views: 788 | Total Views: 6,924
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William Clark Green- Push and Shove

Capo 3

Intro: Am,G, C, D  X2
(Am)           (G)         (C)
Take my heart for I can't feel
(Am)                     (G)       (C)
I'll keep my eyes you'll steal my tears
(D)             (G)            (D)          (C)
Rumors running around and I'm left with the truth
But what's the use

Shut your mouth watch your back
(D)                                (Em)
Here it comes in a heart attack of love
It's never enough
Roll your eyes I don't care
(D)                            (Am)
Watch me leave in true despair I'm done
This push and shove
(G)          (D)            (Am)         (C)
             This push and shove

(Am)              (G)        (C)
Look at all this mess we've made
       (Am)                 (G)       (C)
We sure fooled ourselves in this charade
(D)           (G)              (D)          (C)
I will not be denied and I will not put you down
But this time around

Shut your mouth watch your back
(D)                                (Em)
Here it comes in a heart attack of love
It's never enough
Roll your eyes I don't care
(D)                            (Am)
Watch me leave in true despair I'm done
This push and shove
(G)          (D)            (Am)         (C)
             This push and shove 
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