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William Clark Green - She Likes The Beatles (Chord)
Submitter: samej1 (0) on 4/25/13 1 comment
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Band: William Clark Green
Song: She Likes The Beatles
Tabbed By: Will D.

G                         Cadd9       G
She likes the Beatles and I like the Stones
                                 D       G
She likes romantic movies I like Indiana Jones
                       Cadd9     G
She goes to church and I stay at home
                             D          G
Oh she likes the Beatles and I like the Stones

G                          D           G
We met by the river in the mid-morning light
Cadd9                   D
She swears it was late afternoon
Cadd9            G           D           Em7
Well she fell in love by the time it was night
Cadd9        D            G
But I didn’t give in till June
Cadd9         G     D       G    Cadd9                     D
Well not long after we said I do she had the nerve to move in
Cadd9           G         D            Em7                
She painted the walls she penned up my dog and 
    Cadd9      D         G
she kicked out all of my friends

G                         Cadd9      G
She likes the Beatles and I like the Stones
                                 D       G
She likes romantic movies I like Indiana Jones
                       Cadd9     G
She goes to church and I stay at home
                             D          G
Oh she likes the Beatles and I like the Stones

Cadd9             G          D              G
She burns through money like I burn through smokes
Cadd9                       D
But she says that I need to quit
Cadd9               G         D   Em7
Cause if I die from cancer in 25 years
Cadd9              D       G
She’ll have to pay off the debt
   D                                   G
No she don’t think I’m funny she don’t laugh at my jokes
Cadd9                           D
I could care less about all her shoes
Cadd9           G            D        Em7
My parents both hate her but it evens out
          Cadd9        D       G
Cause her parents both hate me too

G                         Cadd9       G
She likes the Beatles and I like the Stones
                                 D       G
She likes romantic movies I like Indiana Jones
                       Cadd9     G
She goes to church and I stay at home
                             D          G
Oh she likes the Beatles and I like the Stones

Cadd9         G           D           G
She brings me coffee when I’m workin’ late
Cadd9                    D
She lifts me up when I’m low
Cadd9    G               D        Em7
She understands that I’m carrying weight 
Cadd9               D       G
That I just have to hold up alone
      Cadd9          G            D            G
She’s determined and honest she’s stubborn and strong
Cadd9                       D
And I always know where she stands
Cadd9       G            D            Em7
So it never bugs me when she’s always wrong
Cadd9            G              D          G
As long as she’s wrong with her hand in my hand

G                         Cadd9       G
She likes the Beatles and I like the Stones
                                 D       G
She likes romantic movies I like Indiana Jones
                       Cadd9     G
She goes to church and I stay at home
                             D          G
Oh she likes the Beatles and I like the Stones
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Got the chords and lyrics from this video. Hope you guys enjoy!
-samej1 | 4/25/2013
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