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Willie Nelson - Blue Eyes Cryin' In The Rain-harmonica (Tab)
Submitter: macg1 (39) on 11/4/05 2 comments
Month Views: 1,714 | Total Views: 15,041
Moderator: Stempdog218 | Report This Song?
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I have the tab for the next 2 verses, I'm still arranging them to workout with the chord changes 
on the guitar. It won't be long, stay tuned.

C               F           C

5  -5  5  3     4    -4 5   4
In the twilight glow I  see her,

G7                      C

-4   5    -4 3   -5 6   5
Blue eyes cryin' in the rain.

C                  F       C

5    -5 5      3   4   -4  5  4
When we kissed goodbye and parted,

   G7                    C

-4 -4   5    -4 3  -3   -4 4
I  knew we'd never meet again.

F              Bb    F
Love is like a dyin' ember,
    F               C
And only memories remain.
    C                       F  C 
And through the ages I'll remember,
G7                      C
Blue eyes cryin' in the rain.

F               Bb      F
Someday when we meet up yonder,
C                          G7
We'll stroll hand in hand again.
C                F        C
In the land that knows no partin',
G7                      C
Blue eyes cryin' in the rain.
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I just bought my first harmonica last week. This is one of my favorite songs to play on the guitar. What is harmonicas key that works the best for this song. I know the song in E.
-slim8 | 11/7/2005
The Key of E harmonica. There's a harmonica
for each of the twelve keys. Once you've been playing for a while, you can learn
techniques that you can use to play in a
different key on the harp. It's called
cross-harp, or the second position, so once
you develop the skills, you can use the same
harp for 2 keys. Then there's a third-position, where you can play a third key on
the same harp, but it usually doesn't sound
as good as the first or second positions.But
for this song, you'd probably prefer an E
harp. The notes that I have here will work
the same, because for example, on a C harp,
the 5th hole-exhaling, is an E, and the 4th-
exhaling, is C. On an E harp: the 5th-exhale
is a G#, and the 4th-exhale is an E.
-macg1 | 11/7/2005
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