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Zac Brown Band - Free (Chord)
Album: The Foundation (2008)
Submitter: cntrypicker (5) on 9/26/10
Month Views: 707 | Total Views: 19,921
Moderator: blugraspickr | Report This Song?
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 Zac Brown Band

*play chords finger pick style

*Capo 1

*Check out video. It will show my acoustic version of song

*Play the Fadd9 chord by playing the Fmaj7 chord and simply placing your pinkie on the high E string

* Play all Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7 by hammering to the Fadd9 and pulling back off to the Fmaj7

Intro.:  | C  | C  | Fmaj7  | Fmaj7 Fadd9 Fmaj7
C                          C
 we live out in our old van, travel all across this land,
Fmaj7	  Fadd9  Fmaj7
me and you
C                          C
We'll end up hand in hand, somewhere down on the sand, 
Fmaj7	       Fadd9  Fmaj7
just me and you

	C                    Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7
Just as free, free as we'll ever be
	C	             Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7	
Just as free, free as we'll ever be

Inst.:  | (C)  | (C)  | Fmaj7  | Fmaj7
C                            C
Drive until the city lights, dissolve into a country sky, 
     Fmaj7     Fadd9  Fmaj7
just me and you
C                                C
Lay underneath the harvest moon, do all the things the lovers do, 
     Fmaj7      Fadd9  Fmaj7
just me and you

	C                    Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7
Just as free, free as we'll ever be
	C	             Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7	
Just as free, free as we'll ever be and ever be

Inst.:  | C | C Cadd9 C | Fmaj7  | Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7  | C | C Cadd9 C | Fmaj7  | Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7  |

C				  C
No, we don't have a lot of money, no, we don't have a lot of money
C				  C
No, we don't have a lot of money, no, we don't have a lot of money
C				  C
No, we don't have a lot of money, no, we don't have a lot of money
No, we don't have a lot of money

C              Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7
All we need is love,    free as we'll
ever be
        Fmaj7  Fadd9  Fmaj7
Just as free, 
free as we'll ever be

C			   C
 we live out in our old van, travel all across this land, 
Fmaj7 Fadd9
me and you

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