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Zane Campbell - Sometimes I Wonder Why I Wake Up At All (Chord)
Submitter: dschram1 (13) on 1/4/09
Month Views: 506 | Total Views: 3,749
Moderator: Musikman212 | Report This Song?
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Sometimes I wonder why I wake up at all


Well, I wake (A)up and the (D)nightmare starts a(A)gain
Only when I go to (D)sleep, does it (A)end.

(A)and the hours between (G)seem to be
(D)Hell without a pause
Sometimes I (A)wonder why (E)I wake up at (A)all

I go to (A)work and the (D)job is just the s(A)ame
I will play the loser (D)in this losers (A)game

(A)and the hours between (G)seem to be
(D)Hell without a pause
Sometimes I (A)wonder why (E)I wake up at (A)all

(A)Someday I (E)wont, just for spite
I'll keep on (A)sleepin as if the night
would never (D)ennnn(A)nnnnnnnn(E)nnnnnnd
(E)never end

I got a (A)woman but she (D)aint no good for (A)me (I ain't no good for her either god help me)
I should feel better I (D)feel worse in har(A)mony

(A)and the hours between (G)seem to be
(D)Hell without a pause
Sometimes I (A)wonder why (E)I wake up at (A)all 
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