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carly pearce - Every Little Thing (Chord)
Submitter: Koichi Kondo (3272) on 12/29/16 1 comment
Month Views: 2,016 | Total Views: 38,501
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Every Little Thing
Written by Carly Pearce, Busbee & Emily Shackelton
Recorded by Carly Pearce

(No Capo)

Intro:  |(F)(C)|(C) |(G)(Am)|(Am)

The (F)scent that you left (C)on my pillow
The sound of (G)your heart beating (Am)with mine
The (F)look in your eyes (C)like a window
The taste of (G)your kiss soaked (Am)in wine

(F)Every little thing (C)
I remember (G)every little (Am)thing
The (F)high, the hurt, the (Am)shine, the sting
Of (F)every little (C)thing ---

(F)Guess you forgot (C)what you told me
Because you (G)left my heart on (Am)the floor
(F)Baby, your ghost (C)still haunts me
But I don't (G)want to sleep with him (Am)no more

(F)Every little thing (C)
I remember (G)every little (Am)thing
The (F)high, the hurt, the (Am)shine, the sting
Of (F)every little (C)thing

(Chorus 2)
I remember (G)every little (Am)thing
The (F)high, the hurt, the (Am) shine, the sting
Of (F)every little (C)thing

Solo:  |(Am)(F)|(C)(G)| x 2

They say (F)time is the on-(C)ly healer ---
God, I (G)hope that is-(Am)nft right ---
eCause right now I'd die to (G/D)not (C/E)re-(G/D)mem-(C)ber

(F)Every little thing (C)
I remember (G)every little (Am)thing
The (F)high, the hurt, the (Am) shine, the sting
(F)Every little (C)thing

(Chorus 2)
I remember (G)every little (Am)thing
I'm (F)haunted by the (Am) memories of
(F)Every little (Am)thing

The (F)high, the hurt, the (Am)shine, the sting
(F)Every little (C)thing 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
That is pretty interesting)
-marknewby | 9/26/2017
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