Member Comments
My dad taught me basic guitar chords when I was really young. So, for over 30 years now I've been a student of the guitar. I wasn't always the best student and am not the best player, but I enjoy playing. Along the way, I've learned a few things and have become pretty proficient at rhythm guitar. I'm a drummer by heart, so my style is pretty percussive.
If you're here because you've stumbled upon my chord charts or tabs, thanks for checking me out. Over the years I've compiled a lot of info concerning songs from all different kinds of resourses. By ear, books, watching people play them, internet sites, etc. I strive to submit songs with the least amount of errors as possible. Some of my pet peeves are submitters that only chart the first verse and chorus then leave up you to figure out the rest of the song. While I understand the concept, it's a pain in the ass when you need a song on the fly for playing live, etc. Another huge pet peeve of mine is mispellings/wrong words/puntuation mistakes/typos. Most can be overlooked, but some are so egregious and numerous that it's obvious the submitter isn't serious or passionate about the craft. Therefore, I feel the need to submit a new tab/chart. Although I've just recently started submitting charts to the site, you may see that I submit tab/chord charts of songs already on the site in which the original chart was either inaccurate or lacks sufficient information to play the song correctly.
I'm just a regular joe trying to play good 'ol country songs to the best of my ability and with the best information possible. I have not listened to "country" radio in years so, if you want me to tab/chart a popular country song from the last few years you're SOL. That stuff is horrid, color by numbers, lowest common denominator drivel. You'd have better luck asking me to tab out a shitty '80's pop/rock song, at least it would have soul.