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Billy Joe Shaver - Love You Till The Cows Come Home (Chord)
Album: Unshaven, Live at Smith's Olde Bar (1995)
Submitter: texasisalive (32) on 9/17/03
Month Views: 635 | Total Views: 4,092
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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Billy Joe Shaver

Verse 1:
      /                                                     A
 	 Got a roundhouse right,got a straight razor in my shoe
 	     D                                               A      
 	 Got a roundhouse right,got a straight razor in my shoe
               E                                                A
 	 Got a pocket full of money,honey,ain't nothin' i can't do

Verse 2:
 	 Come on over here,mama,gonna love you 'till the cows come home
             D                                                     A
 	 Come on over here,mama,gonna love you 'till the cows come home
                   E                                           A  
 	 'Till the cotton's all picked and the hay is in every barn

Verse 3:
 	 My woman she fancies a heart and the right kind too
            D                                            A 
 	 My woman she fancies a heart and the right kind too
            E                                  A  
 	 I know she'd love to do the same with you

Verse 4:
 	 Come on over here mama,gonna love you 'till the cows come home
            D                                                      A 
 	 Get on over here honey,gonna love you 'till the cows come home
                   E                                           A 
 	 'Till the cotton's all picked and the hay is in every barn

Verse 5:
 	 Play that old piano like it's never been played before
          D                                                A
 	 Play that old piano like it's never been played before
                  E                                                A 
 	 When you get through pickin',let me have it all over some more

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