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Charlie Robison - El Cerrito Place (Chord)
Submitter: tbowers715 (23) on 9/13/04 15 comments
Month Views: 2,941 | Total Views: 52,850
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El Cerrito Place
Charlie Robison

D    G    D    G

Verse One:
D                         G     D                            G
I been hangin' round this place, I been lookin' through your space
D                      G                          D    G
I been waitin' for you, I've been waitin' for you
D                        G   D                       G
All the places you would go, all the people that you know
D                       G                        D      G
I've been lookin' for you, I've been lookin' for you
D                                G
And all them pretty people up on El Cerrito Place
             D                                   G
They all got somethin' in their pockets, all got somethin' on their face
     D                             G
They roll down to La Brea where it meets the boulevard
D                             G
Singin' hallelujah while they dance over the stars
They all think they're goin' far

             D                               G
Me I've been lookin' for you baby, I've been lookin' for you baby
          D                               G
I've been lookin' for you baby, I've been lookin' for you baby
        D               G               D            G
All night long, all night long, all night long

Verse Two:
         D                                       G
Somebody said they might have seen you where the ocean meets the land
             D                                   G
So I've been out here all night lookin' for your footprints in the sand
        D                            G
Did you hear the ocean singing, baby did you sing along
       D                             G
As you danced over the water to some ol' forgotten song,
Were you even here at all?

Repeat Chorus

Instrumental (like verse two)

Verse Three (like verse two):
Somehow I wound up in the desert just after daylight
There's a Joshua Tree grows that little place you always liked
These pioneer town people they ain't got too much to say
and if they might have seen you they ain't givin' you away
Now it's been two days

Repeat Chorus

Instrumental (like verse two but longer)

Verse Four:
             D                            G
I think I'll go back to the city, back to El Cerrito Place
           D                           G
That's the last time I saw that pretty smile upon your face
I've been lookin' for you baby 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
This is a great song. Good job...
-MattGodsey82 | 9/15/2004
awesome job. great tab!
-johnny_t | 12/1/2004
awesome job sounds great to me i would throw in a fe |200232|'s tho for get what theyre called D/F or somethin but it sounde a lil more
like the song that way
-AcousticCowboy1 | 1/1/2005
Great job with this tune. VH1 Country's had the video for awhile but CMT did its World Premier today.

Just wondering if anyone could figure out the picking and the solo for guitar.
-CabinFolk | 1/7/2005
-moorehead | 2/4/2005
this was a great tab its pretty easy to remember, i never actually noticed how it just goes back and forth d to g, d to g. but its a great song to do song cool riffs to. Or so i think so.
-iceSWAT | 2/9/2005
pretty good job. I kept thinking there must be another chord but there isn't. Try these chord changes on the chorus. I think they are correct. if not they sound good.

Me I've been pre>D/pre> looking for you pre>G/pre> baby, I've been pre>D/pre> lookin for you pre>G/pre> baby....etc.
-ramtuffgvs | 2/12/2005
The last line of every verse is a G, not a D.
For example: "They all think they're going far", the chord should be a G.
Otherwise, good job.
-DeweyWayne | 2/23/2005
Could someone please tell me are these chords strummed are is he playing arpeggio's?
Thanks for the help.
-jb140878 | 2/25/2005
Good Job! Sound good to me
-builder | 2/28/2005
There's a video of Charlie playing this song at
-dgtn3625 | 8/26/2005
After watching the Studio 330 version of the video on,
I am inclined to agree with DeweyWayne's previous comment
that the chord for the last line of the verses should be a G, not a D.
-crcrcrcr | 8/27/2005
great song
-ragweedrocks08 | 8/9/2008
Capo II if you want to play it like the recording..get in the groove and have fun with this one. Simple and good!!
-Kroeter | 12/18/2012
I don't know what rammtuffguys is talking about but I agree with dewweywayne there a g at the end of every verse

-Mexicansuperman | 2/8/2014
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