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Cooder Graw - The Legend Of Millie Stacy (Chord)
Submitter: the stanman (1) on 5/27/05 1 comment
Month Views: 494 | Total Views: 3,632
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The Legend of Millie Stacy
By: Cooder Graw

Capo 2nd Fret

Verse 1style='font-size:1px;color:#ffffff;'>

Am                      C                       G                                
She grew up down stairs she hid from the glares Worked on
credit for whiskey and tears.

At the bar in a cotton dress sits a girl who hangs a mess
            G                                       Am  
who needs a little more time before she gets out of here. 


F                  C     G                 Am
Millie never had a future she always had a past 

F                   C             E       
Millie always had a lover just as long long as the money would last

Verse 2

Am                                          C              
She wait in her dress beside her bed as she know what the
evening brings Knocks on the door of the local w***e house
                Am                                   C 
time for her to sing and her songs are written every night
behind a bared door sung to a crowd of one until it's done
words slung across the floor


Verse 3 

Am                                     C                                            
with a song stuck in the mind of every man who sang the
tune came back night after night just to dance in millies

 Am                                          C                                  
Room She saw a life with no chance for love paid it all in
         G                                 Am
the rain colors roll a favor and failed to explain Why...



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napoleon dynamite
-jrshibby8 | 6/20/2005
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