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Garth Brooks - Long Neck Bottle (Chord)
Album: Sevens (1997)
Submitter: Deleted Member (0) on 7/15/01 4 comments
Month Views: 725 | Total Views: 31,439
Moderator: Ray Terry | Report This Song?
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G           D      G            D
Long neck bottle  Let go of my hand
      G                                     D
Hey jukebox don't start playing that song again
Cause there's a girl at home who loves me
          D   Db          B
You know she won't understand
            D     A            D
Long neck bottle let go of my hand

G                                D
Barroom mirror on the wall  go stare at someone else
E                                   A
Don't show the world the fool I am Just keep it to yourself

go to chorus:

G                                           D
That dance floor gets underneath my feet Everywhere I turn
I ought to waltz right out that swinging door
But that's a step I just can't learn.

Go to chorus, then ending.

Cause there's a girl at home who loves me
          D   Db          B
You know she won't understand
G           D     A             D
Long neck bottle let go of my hand. 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
Excellent job by theMan on this one!
Just one suggestion that i think will
make it better for you. In Verse 1 when it
goes to "Don't show the world...
" Play an Eb on "don't" then go to the E.
-Cu11y | 1/5/2003
instead of complicating your life trying to do a Bb just play the chord (d) on she the play the (g) at the end of understand
-bleubat | 5/27/2003
i agree bluebat much easer i have been playing fo 3 and half years now and there are some chords i can't play i guess that why iam not in a band lol
just waithing for the chance
-txkidcrisp | 11/6/2003
Also, try putting an A in between the words "Bottle" and "let" in the very first line. It sounds pretty cool to me try it out.
-hookemtx04 | 3/26/2005
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