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Hank Williams, Jr. - America Can Survive (Chord)
Album: The Almeria Club Recordings (2002)
Submitter: Deleted Member (0) on 8/12/02
Month Views: 585 | Total Views: 7,657
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D                           Cadd9
People think we're nearing the end of time,
             G/D                 D
But we've had enough and we've drawn the line.
    D               Cadd9)
Our flag is up, since our people went down
    G/D                       D
But now we're united from the country to the town.

D                   Cadd9
We live back in the woods you see,
G/D                     D           Fill*1
Big city problems never bothered me.
        D                      Cadd9
But the world has changed, and so have I,
    G/D            D
And America can survive.
 C(add9)  G/D     D     Fill*2
America   will survive.

       D               Cadd9
We can plow our fields all day long,
       G/D                D 
We can catch our fish from dusk 'til dawn.
      D                      Cadd9
Yea we have toughed it out a time or two,
       G/D                        D
These are dark days but we're gonna pull through.
        D                         Cadd9
We grow good ole tomatoes, we got hometown pride,
    G/D            D
And America can survive.
 Cadd9  G/D      D Fill*1
America is gonna survive.
        D                   Cadd9
Oh, you can't scare us out, you can't make us run,
G                            D
Were the boys and girls with freedom and fun.
D             Cadd9        G
We say grace, we say ma'am, if you don't like that,
D                   Fill*2
We don't give a damn.
D                        Cadd9
We came from the West Virginia coal mines,
        G/D                     D                 Fill*1
And the Rocky Mountains and the big city skylines.
    D                         Cadd9
hey we can hit back and we're gonna be fine,
       G/D             Cadd9 D
Cause this ole country can survive.
 G        Cadd9D
America   can survive.
   D                    Cadd9
I had a good friend in New York city,
    G                            D         Fill*3
He never called me by my name, called me hillbilly.
   D                        Cadd9
My grandpa taught me how to live of the land,
G/D                    D                 Fill*1
His taught him to be a street smart man.
      D                         Cadd9
He used to send me pictures of the Broadway lights,
       G/D                                 D
And I'd send him some that homemade scufflin' wine
       D                        Cadd9
He was lost like so many in the terrible strife,
               G/D            D
And we're all asking God now, why oh why?
              D               Cadd9
I read a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye,
G/D                        D
That's an old slogan we're gonna revive,
      G        Cadd9 D
Cause America   can survive.
G        C(a9)DAmerica   can survive.
        D                   Cadd9
Oh, you can't scare us out, you can't make us run,
G                            D
Were the boys and girls with freedom and fun.
D             Cadd9        G
We say grace, we say ma'am, if you don't like that,
D                   Fill*2
We don't give a damn.
           D                    Cadd9
We're from North California and South Alabam',
    G/D                            D
 And all they've done is unite the whole land.
D                        Cadd9
With no more Yankees and Rebels this time,
    G/D                   D
But one united people that stand behind,
G        Cadd9D
America   can survive.
G        Cadd9D
America   will survive.
G        Cadd9D
America   can survive.
G        Cadd9D
America   will survive.
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