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Hank Williams, Jr. - If Heaven Ain't A Lot Like Dixie (Chord)
Album: High Notes (1982)
Submitter: Deleted Member (0) on 12/18/01 7 comments
Month Views: 1,158 | Total Views: 19,112
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    F                             Bb      C7    F
If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie, I don't wanna go
    F                             Bb           C7        F
If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie, I'd just as soon stay home

F                                   Bb      C7  F
I was one of the chosen few, to be born in Alabam'
                                    Bb       C7   F
I'm just alike my daddy's son, I'm proud of who I am
I went through a lot of good women, shook old Jim Beam's hand
                    F                  C7                          F
If I never see the pearly gates, I've walked through the promised land

F                                 Bb       C7   F
If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie, I don't wanna go
                                  Bb           C7        F
If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie, I'd just as soon stay home
If they don't have a Grand Ole Opry, like they do in Tennessee
                         F                      C7                    F
Just send me to hell or New York City, it would be about the same to me

F                                                  Bb       C7        F
I've got wild honey trees and crazy little weeds, growin' around my shack
                                                   Bb           C7      F
These dusty roads ain't streets of gold, but I'ma happy right where I'm 
All these pretty little southern belles are a country boy's dream
                         F                  C7                   F
They ain't got wings or halos, but they're sure looking good to me


    F                             Bb       C7    F
If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie, I don't wanna go
    F                             Bb           C7        F
If heaven ain't a lot like Dixie, I«d just as soon stay home

         F                                     Bb    C7     F
If they don't have a Grand Ole Opry, like they do in Tennessee
                                                C7                    F
Just send me to hell or New York City, it would be about the same to me 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
how do ya play a C7?
-csg420x | 1/8/2004
how do ya play a C7?
-csg420x | 1/8/2004
ok i guess im in a real good mood 420
this is simple
just play a c
and drop your pinky
onto the third fret of the g string

-dowsk | 1/8/2004
i am horrible at tabing so i enjoy comeing to this site to get tabs but something about this tab just doesnt sound quite right.... so if youve found another way to play it let me know tim_sheets1982@yahoo i would really appreciate it.... and props to all the tabers that make this site possible.
-tim_sheets1982 | 7/22/2004
F is a little to high a key for me, but I do know how to play a C7, lol. But try it in the key of G with a capo on the first fret. Alot easier to play, and it sounds good for me to sing with....
-KJ_CHRIS | 8/15/2004
To make it easier to play, just put a capo on the first fret and Play an E for the F, A for the Bb, and B7 for the C7.
-WaylonFan1 | 5/17/2009
To make it easier to play, just put a capo on the first fret and Play an E for the F, A for the Bb, and B7 for the C7.
-WaylonFan1 | 5/17/2009
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