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Larry Stewart - Alrightalready (Chord)
Submitter: tbowers715 (22) on 7/4/03
Month Views: 726 | Total Views: 3,948
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Alright Already
Larry Stewart

Chorus: 	               G                          C7
 	 She's alright already, she's back on her feet
 	                    G                D
 	 it didn't take her long to get over me
 	                  G                  C7
 	 my heart's still hurtin' but what's killin me
 	               G           D          G
 	 she's alright already and I'm just a memory

Verse1: 	 C                                  G
 	 there I stood with flowers in hand hopin' to dry her tears
 	 C                                  D
 	 she walked out that door with him, grinning from ear to ear


 	 (SOLO - over 2nd half of chorus)

 	     C                                     G
 	 She said there would never be anyone else no one could fill my shoes
 	 C                                  D
 	 now she's using that same old line snuggled up to someone new

                      G           D          G
 	 she's alright already and I'm just a memory 
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