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Linda Ronstadt & Don Henley - Hasten Down The Wind (Chord)
Submitter: cotswoldkid (0) on 12/1/18
Month Views: 1,678 | Total Views: 3,705
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Hasten Down The Wind.
Linda Ronstadt & Don Henley.
Capo 4.

Intro: D  
She tells him she thinks, 
                Bm7  G/B  Bm
She wants to be f---ree,
C               D7           G    B
He tells her he doesn't understand,
She takes his hand,
And tells him nothings,
                        G/D  D
Working out the way she planned.

C        G/B  E    E7
She's so many women,
   Am    D7                       G
He can't find the one who was his friend,
     C             Am
He's hanging on to half a heart,
    G       D/F#      Em7         G/D
But he can't have the restless part,
D     Am           D7              G   Am7 D7
So he tells her to hasten down the wind.

    G                                   Bm7  G
Now he agrees he thinks she ought to be free,
D6  C              D6             G
Now she says she'd rather be with him,
B7             Em
Oh it's just a whim,
That she's designed, 
                              G/D  D7
To keep him out there on that l----imb.

C     G         E  E7
She's so many women,
   Am             D7              G     C/G G7
He can't find the one who was his friend,
   C            Am7
He hanging on to half a heart,
       G     Bm                    G
But he can't have the restless part,
      Am7          D7              G
So he tells her to hasten down the wind,
   Em           C               G F Dm7
He tells her to hasten down the w----ind,
   C            G  D            G   C/D  G
He tells her to hasten down the wind.

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