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Merle Haggard - From Graceland To The Promised Land (Chord)
Album: My Farewell To Elvis (1977)
Submitter: matellmon (136) on 2/20/02
Month Views: 687 | Total Views: 5,684
Moderator: dantheman85x | Report This Song?
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Em: 022000  A7: 002020  Em/A: 3x2200
D6: x20202  D7: xx0212

         D                Em              G                     D
>From the sun years of the Fifties and the birth of rock and roll,
A                                   D
Millions screamed to see him do his thing.
                  Em      G              D
Elvis touched the life of ev'ry ear that heard him,
                           A7             D
And they couldn't help but listen when he sang.
       G                             D          Em/A  D
It's a long way from Memphis to that mansion in the   sky,
       A                            D     D6 D7
But he kept his faith in Jesus all along,
D                                     D         Em/A  G
It's a long way from Graceland across Jordan to the   Promised Land,
    D            A       A7       D
But Jesus fin'ly came to lead him home.

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