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Montgomery Gentry - Roll With Me (no Capo) (Chord)
Album: Back When I Knew It All (2008)
Submitter: e8n1 (22) on 8/27/08 4 comments
Month Views: 464 | Total Views: 12,574
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Montgomery Gentry – Roll with me
No Capo

Intro: G  D  Em  A  G  D  Em

G 	   	  D
Wake up in the morning
         Em            A
Get to living my life
G                    D              Em
Making sure that I’m all that I can be
G 	  	   D
Went to church on Sunday
            Em           A
There was a moment that came
  G                     D                  Em
I swear it was like the Lord spoke right to me

                       G                    D
So now I'm slowing it down and I'm looking around
                    Em                   D               
And I'm lovin' this town and I'm doing alright
                    G                  D           Em
Aint' worried 'bout nothing except the man I wanna be
                        G                      D                     
I'm thinking maybe it's time to be livin' the rhyme
                   Em                      D    
When I'm singing a song about nothing but right
         Em               A                    G  D  Em   D
And it'd sure be nice if you would roll with me

G        D                  Em           D               
Saw a kid last winter only twenty years old
 G                            D                Em
Being laid to rest while his mom stood by his side
 G                 D                     Em        D
Sure was hard to watch those tears roll down her face
  G                   D                 Em
Made me think how we all just have our time


 G  D  Em  D  G  D  Em

 A                    G
Who knows what’s up ahead
            A                     G
I think I'd rather not know instead

                       G                    D
So now I'm slowing it down and I'm looking around
                    Em                   D               
And I'm lovin' this town and I'm doing alright
                    G                  D           Em
Aint' worried 'bout nothing except the man I wanna be
                        G                      D                     
I'm thinking maybe it's time to be livin' the rhyme
                   Em                      D    
When I'm singing a song about nothing but right
         Em               A                  Em
And it'd sure be nice if you would roll with me

                        G                      D                     
I'm thinking maybe it's time to be livin' the rhyme
                   Em                      D    
When I'm singing a song about nothing but right
         Em               A                  Em
And it'd sure be nice if you would roll with me
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
great job man!!!

-carlsont | 9/1/2008
Thanks so much for this tab. Are the A's in the 1st and 4th line of the 1st verse supposed to be d's? They don't right but the d would.
-doxkman | 9/5/2008
The only thing wrong with this is that 99% of the "D" chords should be "D/F#" you should be able to hear how it walks down from the "G" and hear which ones...

"doxkman " no he is correct....the "A's" in the verse are actually "Asus/A" ....the A-sustain gives it a "D" sound... he did a good job
-palamin0 | 12/8/2008
Could someone make the corrections on the tab itself and posibly make one for the lead part as well? Thanks
-tdbutts | 1/10/2009
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