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Raul Malo - The Great Atomic Power (Chord)
Submitter: tbowers715 (21) on 11/7/04 1 comment
Month Views: 1,470 | Total Views: 6,163
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The Great Atomic Power
Raul Malo
Album: The Nashville Acoustic Sessions

A     D   A        E   A

Verse One:
A                                          D           A
Do you fear this man's invention that they call atomic power?
Are we all in great confusion, do we know the time or hour
       A                           D             A
When a terrible explosion may ring down upon our land
                                      E                A
Leaving horrible destruction blotting out the works of man

Are you ready for that great atomic power?
Will you rise and meet your Savior in the end?
         A                              D             
Will you shout or will you cry when the fire rains from on high?
        E                           A
Are you ready for that great atomic power?

A     D   A          E   A

Verse Two:
There is one way to escape and be prepared to meet the Lord
Give your heart and soul to Jesus, He will be your shield and sword
He will surely stand beside and you'll never taste of death
For your soul will fly to safety and eternal peace and rest

(repeat chorus)

A     D   A          E   A

Verse Three:
There's an army who can conquer all the enemy's great bands
It's a regiment of Christians guided by the Savior's hand
When the mushroom of destruction falls and all it's fury great
God will surely save His children from this awful, awful fate

(repeat chorus)
        E                           A
Are you ready for that great atomic power? 
 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
I forgot it was in F# on the record. I figured he just tooned down a step. I play in G and use open strings. Bass notes G on the 3rd fret(E string) then 0 1 2 to the B on the (A st) then 0 2 3 to the C and then open D, on the high side I alternate with the 3rd fret b and e strings, all based on that open G cord untill you get to the D, just fill in the notes from the chord as you move threw them. Oh yeh, Slide the intro lick from up top up one fret. enjoy

Ratchit Azz
-Mrlive75 | 2/24/2005
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