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Toby Keith - She's A Hottie (Chord)
Album: 35 Biggest Hits (2008)
Submitter: e8n1 (22) on 8/3/08 2 comments
Month Views: 533 | Total Views: 5,608
Moderator: Korry | Report This Song?
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Shes A Hottie
Toby Keith
Tabbed by E8N1

Drop D tuning

  D                                    F
She's sittin' by the water where the river gets wide, 
Think about swimming to the other side, 
  D                        F
Got a "Marlboro" Red, and a can of cold "Bud"
Toes squished down in the Arkansas mud, 
  D                 F
Hey Mister! Ya, I kissed her! 
Son! You ought to see her sister!!!... 
  D                                     F
You've got to give a little something to a cool dark cat, 
Finding him a woman who could shake like that, 

  D                F       G
HOTTIE! She's a Hottie!!! Got a smokin' little body! 
  D                   F
String bikini and a barbed-wire tat
She's a rockin' that cowboy hat! 
   D              F               G
HOTTIE! She's a Hottie!!! and just a little bit naughty! 
   D              F             A    C       A       
Kayay digidigy, Kayay digidigy, yey HEY hey HEY... 

She's slappin' down a dam
Where the moss gets thick, 
A yellin' "YeeHaw!" she's a red-neck chick, 
Spittin' in the fire, puttin' on a show, struttin like a chicken to the radio, 
Hey Slick! She's a hick!!! 
Hmmm. and her buttermilk lipstick
Give a little something to a cool dark cat, 
Finding him a woman who could shake like that,


Dress her up boys, I took her from the farm, 
I brought her downtown, I hung her on my arm, 
You've got to give a little somethin' to a cool dark cat, 
Finding him a woman who could walk like that! 


Singing Kayay digidigy, Kayay digidigy
Yey hey HEY hey HEY... 

(Instrumental Music)

Singing Kayay digidigy, Kayay digidigy, Yey HEY hey HEY...

 Comments (click here to add a non-facebook comment)
This comment is not a reflection on you... you do good work. But this song is just heinous...

I wish Toby would start releasing quality singles again.
-dantheman85x | 8/7/2008
Thank!!! Been wait long time for this one!!
-pbp1701 | 8/14/2008
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