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zunie (New Mexico, US)
Member Info
Member Since: 4/8/2005
Last Login: 11/6/2011 1:32:51 AM
Songs Submitted: 29
Gender: Male
Age: 52

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October Kudos
zunie has received 4 kudos this month. (4 from submissions, 0 from users)

Submitted Songs
Band Song Type Rating Month
Brad PaisleyCliffs Of Rock City (part 1)Lead587
Brad PaisleyMr. PolicemanChord714
Brad PaisleyThrottleneck (part 2)Lead687
Brad PaisleyAll I Wanted Was A CarIntro889
Kenny ChesneyDon't Blink (album Version)Chord1,180
Brad PaisleyThrottleneck (part 1)Lead914
Rascal FlattsHereChord641
Rascal FlattsShe Goes All The Way Chord476
Kenny ChesneyDancin' For The GroceriesChord604
Kenny ChesneyDon't BlinkSolo743
Martina McBrideHeart TroubleSolo735
HeartlandLet's Get DirtyTab741
Brad PaisleyAll I Wanted Was A CarSolo829
Brad PaisleyBetter Than ThisSolo714
Brad PaisleyThrottleneck (part 3)Lead642
Brad PaisleyTicks Outro SoloSolo699
Brad PaisleyTimes Like TheseSolo1,059
Brad PaisleyWith You, Without YouChord634
Alan JacksonMercury Blues 2nd Solo( Final Version)Solo572
Brad PaisleyOnlineSolo607
Brad PaisleyOnlineIntro608
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