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Brad Paisley at CountryTabs.com
Brad Paisley
44 songs
Moderator: Ray Terry
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Song Type Rating Views Submitter
Some Mistakes1Chord3,109logan15
Mr Policeman Part 4 Third SoloTab3,124tatsguitars
Online (ending)Tab3,229livewire8
Mr Policeman Part 2Tab3,553tatsguitars
Mr Policeman Part 3 Second SoloTab3,648tatsguitars
Some Mistakes 2Chord3,770CRToon83
Mr. Policeman IntroIntro3,897randog7275
Oh Love (feat. Carrie Underwood)Chord3,974themusicman
Oh LoveChord4,009mayos
Throttleneck (part 3)Lead4,685zunie
Oh Love (correct)Chord4,896joesklad
Mr PolicemanTab5,777tatsguitars
Mr. PolicemanIntro5,939calve66
With You, Without YouChord6,430zunie
Some MistakesChord6,504cntyotlw
With You, Without YouChord6,627_oly_
Better Than ThisSolo6,944zunie
It DidChord6,944cntyotlw
If Love Was A PlaneChord7,315cntyotlw
Throttleneck (part 2)Lead7,515zunie
All I Wanted Was A Car(2)Chord7,548msaenz
All I Wanted Was A CarIntro7,678ericmichel
Ticks (licks)P-Tab8,032superear
All I Wanted Was A CarSolo8,123zunie
Bigger Fish To Fry (intro)Intro8,237mooman2679
I'm Still A GuySolo8,701calve66
Ticks 2Intro8,816carlsont
Better Than ThisChord10,117Koichi Kondo
Mr. PolicemanChord10,844zunie
Oh Love (w/ Carrie Underwood)Chord11,853rune
Throttleneck (part 1)Lead13,680zunie
All I Wanted Was A CarIntro13,982zunie
Mr. Policeman (solo #1)Solo16,501calve66
When We All Get To HeavenChord25,835Ray Terry
I'm Still A GuyChord26,264cntyotlw
I'm Still A GuyChord57,233cntyotlw

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